28 Apr
Yagua Tribe, Amazon Basin

Towards the end of 2009 I spent a month in Peru, and I was lucky enough to also visit Iquitos located on the Amazon River in the Peruvian rain forest. Iquitos is the largest jungle city thats inaccessible by road.

After a near death experience on the plane over the jungle to get there, I finally arrived and took a trip into the Amazon Jungle. As part of this trip, I was welcomed by some of the Yagua Tribe, and invited to use their trademark blowguns. The Yagua Indians are an indigenous tribe who mainly live in the western Amazon basin. The Yagua people live a simple lifestyle supported by small scale agriculture, fishing and some hunting.

Below are some images taken from this trip to the jungle.

Towards the end of 2009 I spent a month in Peru, and I was lucky enough to also visit Iquitos located on the Amazon River in the Peruvian rain forest. Iquitos is the largest jungle city thats inaccessible by road. After a near death experience on the plane over the jungle to get there, I