Category Archives: blog

30 Nov
The Stone Tree – The Desert of Salvador Dali

The ‘Stone Tree’ in the high desert near the border between Bolivia and Chile has been moulded by weather erosion into a beautifully sculpted rock that collectively forms part of the Bosque de Piedra (‘Stone Forest’). This particular stone was said to have inspired Salvador Dali in painting his surrealist landscapes. The area of Uyuni and San Pedro de Atacama is also often refered to as “the desert of Salvador Dali”.

The ‘Stone Tree’ in the high desert near the border between Bolivia and Chile has been moulded by weather erosion into a beautifully sculpted rock that collectively forms part of the Bosque de Piedra (‘Stone Forest’). This particular stone was said to have inspired Salvador Dali in painting his surrealist landscapes. The area of Uyuni

10 Oct
Meeting of Styles 2011

Passed through Meeting of Styles 2011 on the weekend. I couldn’t stay long, so missed all the final products which is annoying, but you at least get to see a few nice “in-progress” action shots. Looking forward to seeing all the finished burners on Flickr when they all come through. Shouts to DEP & TIZER.

Meeting of Styles 2015

Meeting of Styles 2017

Meeting of Styles 2020

Meeting of Styles 2021

Meeting of Styles 2022

Meeting of Styles 2023

Meeting of Styles 2024

Meeting of Styles 2028

Meeting of Styles 2011

Meeting of Styles 2013

Meeting of Styles 2011

Meeting of Styles 2031

Meeting of Styles 2032

Meeting of Styles 2034

Meeting of Styles 2035

Meeting of Styles 2036

Meeting of Styles 2037

Meeting of Styles 2039

Meeting of Styles 2038

Meeting of Styles 2033

Meeting of Styles 2016

Meeting of Styles 2040

Meeting of Styles 2042

Meeting of Styles 2043

Meeting of Styles 2044

Meeting of Styles 2048

Meeting of Styles 2049

Meeting of Styles 2050

Meeting of Styles 2051

Meeting of Styles 2030

Meeting of Styles 2052

Meeting of Styles 2054

Meeting of Styles 2055

Meeting of Styles 2057

Meeting of Styles 2058

Meeting of Styles 2059

Meeting of Styles 2060

Meeting of Styles 2061

Meeting of Styles 2064

Meeting of Styles 2014

Meeting of Styles 2067

Meeting of Styles 2066

Passed through Meeting of Styles 2011 on the weekend. I couldn’t stay long, so missed all the final products which is annoying, but you at least get to see a few nice “in-progress” action shots. Looking forward to seeing all the finished burners on Flickr when they all come through. Shouts to DEP & TIZER.

16 Aug
New ‘Full Screen’ section.

I’ve added a new full screen area of the website (optimised for 1929 x 1080 monitors) so you can view some of the images in their full glory.
Enjoy – Please click on the image below or use this link

I’ve added a new full screen area of the website (optimised for 1929 x 1080 monitors) so you can view some of the images in their full glory. Enjoy – Please click on the image below or use this link